
2003-06-05 - 7:09 a.m. - generics

Isn't it weird when you meet people who are very much like someone you met in the past, but very obviously a different person? Like the really friendly pudgy male that's interested in the film industry or the white dirty blond guy with the pot belly who loves talking about trips to Mexico. Those are two examples of people I've met at different places at different times and yet they're so strangely similar, almost the same person but with a different face and name. These people never seem to make much of an impression, like all there is to them is what I see on the surface. It's like there are a bunch of generics running around or something, so eventually you'll come in contact with more than one of them. Or maybe we're all generics but you just don't usually come in contact with the people who are very much like you. I wonder what it would be like to put the similar ones together.

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