
2003-02-07 - 12:53 p.m. - surprisingly, I feel better now that it's done

I did the right thing today. I wasn't going to at first, but after asking other's opinions and deciding that it would, in fact, be the right thing to do, I did. So unfortunately I'm out $50. But I did offer to pay for the whole doctor's bill and he did say that he would just split it with me, which was nice of him. So even though we haven't been speaking and even though he hasn't been the most mature, responsible person throughout our whole time knowing eachother, and even though I debated just saying fuck it, and not sending any money at all, I did the right thing. So the $50 is in the mail. And I feel slightly relieved just because now I won't have to always think about that one time when I did that one bad thing and then I offered to pay for it and then I never did. Right.

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