
2003-01-20 - 11:17 a.m. - I'm not really a leo after all

I never really fit the personality description of a leo, how they're always the center of attention and very outgoing. So taking a cue from Anthony, I took the "which zodiac sign are you?" test from emode and guess what?:

A Virgo!

It's sooo you!

The planets are very complex. Maybe your astrologer will disagree, and maybe a few tendencies will vary, but overall you're a VIRGO. You've got that reserved and modest demeanor, just like the astrological symbol of Virgo, the virgin. You are not, however, one to sit passively as the world passes you by. Quite the contrary. Your mind is extremely analytical. You want an answer for every question you pose, and you immediately raise a new question for every answer you're given. Such perfectionism and inquisitiveness clearly invite stress and worry into your life. But your practical and organized lifestyle lets you to keep these feelings under control. You are the most conscientious and analytical sign in the zodiac.

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