
2003-03-19 - 11:15 a.m. - handyman

Last night when I was cleaning up the house in preparation for tonight when our landlord is going to start showing the place, there was a knock at the door. It freaked me out a little because we don't often get visitors randomly. I peeked through to see who it was but it was dark and I couldn't really make out anything other than it was a person. So I open the door and standing there was a man I've seen several times around my complex. He's usually out walking his three tiny dogs every morning and he has a very distinct unusual hair cut so he stands out of the norm. He had a pile of business cards in his hand and handed 2 of them to me saying, "I just wanted to give you my card". The card read "handyman" on it along with a name that almost seemed fabricated because it was so perfect - "Mel". Then it had his phone number and various odd jobs listed plus a little motto at the end - something about making a house a home.

Handyman Mel. Immediately I conjured up images of me innocently calling up Handyman Mel to do some small repair around the house (you know the bathroom sink has been leaking) and him coming over in a workman's uniform and seducing me so nonchalantly as if it was never a plan in the first place. In my head I was laughing and I began searching his conversation for clues that he was actually just trying to pick me up and that he wasn't a handyman at all. I mean, he DID seem a little uneasy when I announced that we were moving and that I could pass on his cards to the landlord.

Yeah, yeah, he's probably just a handyman. But I'd really like to think that someone would go through that much trouble to come on to me in such a way. Creativity rocks.

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