
2002-12-17 - 9:12 a.m. - dream

Reading about people�s dreams is usually completely uninteresting except for to the person who actually had the dream. So there�s your warning. This one was extremely vivid and I still remember it now when usually I forget my dreams rather quickly so I think there's some meaning in it. (Reading Tawnya's entry about dreams reminded me of it)

I think it was Thursday night, that I had a really strange and frightening dream. I dreamt that I was stuck in the bathroom at my house and various people I had known or strangers were coming in one by one to try to kill me. There were frogs in the bathtub and they were plastic but they were alive. It was strange because I was trying to do something with them but I kept squeezing them too much and they were dying. The person trying to kill me that I remember most vividly was my boss from when I used to work at a drug store. There were at least 4 other people that came in before him. I fought back with each of these people one by one but each time I remember feeling completely helpless because they were bigger than I was and really I didn�t stand a chance. My roommates (who weren�t actually my roommates, but these dirty white trash types of people) were in the living room and I kept calling out to them but they were too busy doing drugs and talking to each other. They didn�t care at all that I was in danger. But each time I would be fighting with one of my attempting murderers they would disappear and another person would come in their place. After fighting with a good many of them no one else appeared and I stomped out into the living room, enraged that my friends didn�t care to help me. There was a guy and two girls who just looked at me and told me that everything that had happened in the bathroom was a fabrication. None of it was real. At this point I began to question my sanity and started frantically looking around the living room. I noticed a baby on the floor with bright pink punky-colored hair and picked it up asking my roommates in a manic-stricken fashion �what about this!? Is this real?� They said it was and promptly started ignoring me while I clung to the baby and started stroking her head in a nurturing fashion. Clinging to the only thing that I knew was real. The baby was very intelligent and started talking to me. And I kept thinking about how accomplished I was because this baby was real and she was very smart.

That�s all I remember.

Here are some bits and pieces of dreams analysis I found:


If you are attacked by someone you know you may have to withstand an attack on your character and defend your honor, so to speak.


If you dream that someone holds malicious intent towards you this is a warning to search for a false friend, a wolf in sheep's clothing.


If you dream of catching a frog then the carelessness you exhibit concerning your health and well being will greatly distress those who care for you.


If your life or body is threatened by immediate danger and you escape it means that you will take your place in business or society at a high position.


Fighting is a no nonsense dream of change, and the dream itself will have to point to the area of your life that will be changed. This signifies a change in job, or a change of enterprise if you own your own business. The degree of change can be determined by how hard you fought, and if you won or lost the fight.


If you see people or things disappearing before your very eyes, this is a dream that is pointing up your insecurities and concern about the important people, conditions, situations, or people that might disappear from your life. This an anxiety dream and shows that you need to work on you self image through building your self worth.

Madness (mental condition)

A dream of madness is never a fortunate sign but again this is something that must be taken in context of the entire dream. Should you dream of being mad yourself you will fall into grievous error unless you act to correct your actions.


Represents your base, your support, the thing that supports you so you can walk through your house (life), and anything you dream concerning a floor must be considered in that manner in relationship with the rest of your dream.


A bright, clean baby speaks of a wonderful love affair or even the making of many new friends. Dreaming of a baby can also denote the state of your soul life, again in relation to the other signs.

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