
2003-02-26 - 8:12 a.m. - oh. my. god. the stupidity!

A direct quote just overheard outside of my office:

"yeah well my husband is the type of person who thinks out everything before he actually does it, whereas I'm the type of person who just goes with the flow and sees what happens. Well you know like big things I'll think out the consequences of, but small things like having a baby I really don't." (Please note that this person just announced two days ago that she, in addition to the chic in the cubicle next to her who is due, is pregnant (not to mention 2 other women just recently had one). Obviously, her husband's reaction wasn't positive... it was more like "well you can kiss that new car you wanted goodbye, and NOW we can't move!, and you better go back to full time!")


Allie and I were discussing this the other day, how these people at work are just popping them out left and right with no thought to the state of the world or it seems like anything else for that matter. You know, like having MONEY to raise the kid, having CONSENT from the kid's father, unimportant things like that. I've said it before and I'll say it again - If I got pregnant right now I'd shoot myself in the face! Allie agreed and also wondered where the fucking mandatory birth control is!? Indeed. But then Anthony reminded me that we're going to need soldiers to fight these wars, so that made me feel a little bit better.

Oh man oh man oh man. OH MAN!

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