
2002-11-11 - 9:42 a.m. - walking up stairs in a long skirt

I got that in the mail from my Gram. How kind of her to underline the real important parts and make notes on the bottom. She's ever so thoughtful. She mentioned that she was going to send it to Tal but my address turned up first. Lucky me. She then went on to tell me that the enclosed 3 page copy of her medical report will explain why she gave up driving. Hmmm... that's funny. I don't recall asking.

Heh heh. My Gram. Quite a character, that woman.

Anyhoo... my weekend went as expected.

Friday night I posted flyers all over my complex with pictures of Devlin and my phone number. So far nobody has called and he hasn't come home. He'll be missing for a full week tonight. It hurts.

Saturday I babysat Johnny all day while Daniel was at work. I must admit that spending time with a 3 year old was a welcome distraction from everything else going on in my life right now.

What Daniel failed to mention until Saturday night was that he also worked Sunday. So I ended up watching Johnny again yesterday. I took him to visit Daniel at work, then to Henry's (health food store) where they gave him a red balloon and then to Target where we bought a paint (with water) book and a red hot wheels car.

Both nights when Daniel came home I got to relay all the cute things Johnny said all day and describe all the fun things we did. It was more enjoyable than I had expected.

And now... back at work. Blah. Horrid Monday. At least I have 3 new (used) CD's that I got off eBay to keep me company.

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